jessica jarblings...

Thursday, August 31, 2006

no help from others

JC: "i'm really surprised no one has corrected me before. i guess they didn't want to rain on my float."

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

personal pluralizations

when JC wants to interrupt and take a break, she prefers the phrase "times out"

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

po-tay-to / po-tah-to

while having dinner earlier tonight, TY reports that JC had another jarbling over the weekend.

TY: "hey, you had another one."
JC: "no, i didn't!"
TY: " said 'why does that guy have his hand on her neither regions?'"

laughter ensues in the apartment...

Monday, August 21, 2006

moral un-support

while shopping at target:

TY [JC's boyfriend] to JC: "hey, look what i found for you..." [points to box labeled "phonics success"]

JC: "..."

over the weekend in san diego, regarding the "old lady":

JC: "TY and his brother were laughing non-stop for 3 minutes. i had no idea what was going on and i didn't know why they were laughing."

establishing blame

JC: "it's not my fault, my 4th grade teacher didn't teach me phonics!"

JC: "you know...i think somewhere along the line, somebody taught these to me incorrectly. i'm trying to pinpoint who it was."

non-prejedicial singing

over the weekend, JC discovered that it's not over until "the fat lady" sings. all this time, she thought that it wasn't over until "the old lady" sings.

her rationale: old ladies live longer and will therefore sing longer.

JC: "i don't know why it should be fat lady...are they trying to say fat people are slow? that's not right and it's totally prejudice. old lady makes so much more sense."

JC: "i didn't believe them when they said it was 'fat lady' so i googled it to double check. and then all i could say was 'oh' because they were right."

JC: "seriously...i don't know why it's 'fat lady' - google doesn't even give a good explanation. neither could the people who said it was 'fat lady' and at least i have an explanation. so it should be 'old lady.'

when things aren't good enough...

JC's favorite exclamations are of her own creation, because the tried and true ones don't cut it:

  • "lucky goose" - a thousand times better than the old "lucky duck"
  • calm down + hold your horses = "calm your horses"
  • garbled + jumbled = "jarbled"

  • a holier phrase than thou

    phrases and expressions are generally a tricky thing... whenever JC presents something, she prefers "lord and behold" because "lo and behold" just isn't holy enough.

    dumplings by another name...

    as we talk about ling ling brand potstickers from costco it is revealed that JC has always called them potSTICKLERS.

    her rationale: "...because they stickle to the pan."
    her defense: "when we were little we always called them 'guo tie' and i bet some other kid called them potsticklers and that's how i learned it."

    at our apartment, they are forever known as potSTICKLERS.